Ruchi Soya Income for H1 ( First Six months ) of 2013.
Resources: Ruchi Soya Income Tax, Ruchi Soya Report.
Ruchi Soya released its bi annual performance report, for the first half of 2013. Their net sales ( before taxes ) was reported at Rs. 10,906.56 crore, netting them a significant increase of %4.52 over last years H1 report. Their last H1 net sales ( before taxes ) were reported at Rs. 10,435.14 crore.
Ruchi Soya is Growing.
Branded sales of ruchi soya has been growing, they have been getting more income as well as earning more quantity of sales. They have also approved the purchase of an oil refinery company, which is situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh. This will increase suchi soyas reach in southern India. This will hopefully lead to added value in the eyes of stake holders, and strategic value to Ruchi Soya Group.
Ruchi soya is the leader of soya food and oils in India. They have a diverse portfolio of companies under their corporation. They are a leading company in innovation, and a driving force in the growing economy of india.